The Lasioderma

The lasioderma (Lasioderma serricorne) is also known as the tobacco beetle. It may be confused with the drugstore beetle (bread beetle). The lasioderma is distinguished by its sawtooth-shaped antennae. It can also be recognized by its oval shape and its size, which varies between 1.5 and 3 mm for the adult and up to 5 mm for the larva. The lasioderma is reddish-brown and the larva is completely white. In search of heat and food, it’s often found in the kitchens of heated homes.

The lifestyle of the lasioderma


The lasioderma isn’t resistant to winter. For this reason, it remains in homes, sheltered from the cold. It takes shelter mainly in the food in the pantry. The larvae deposited on the food remain in their cocoons for 8 to 13 weeks. The larvae can’t tolerate light, so they remain well hidden in the food.


This insect feeds on dried plant and animal substances. As its common name suggests, it attacks tobacco as well as pasta, peanuts, pepper, spices, and fruit. In favourable reproduction conditions, it also feeds on books or furniture.


The reproduction period begins when the average temperature crosses 20 °C and the humidity level is around 25%. The lasioderma lays 40 eggs on average. The completely white and hairy larvae, which are shaped like croissants, are deposited in the cracks and folds of food. The larvae will remain there until they are fully grown.
Lasioderme du tabac exterminateur - Tobacco beetle exterminator

The risks associated with the lasioderma

The lasioderma contaminates food with its droppings. Since thei diet includes a wide variety of products, a significant portion of your pantry can quickly become contaminated. This contaminated food can cause food poisoning. In addition, your favourite cigars could find themselves deprived of their contents. Our specialists can help you with the effective extermination of these destructive insects.

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